Thermostatic Electric Heating Elements RICA Circle Chrome Eco 150W-600W. Brushed Brass Electric Towel Rails. 70mm Controller (Once installed into towel rail). Element Probe Length: 300mm (150W), 440mm (300W), 720mm (600W).
900mm of White Sleeve + 50mm end Stripped part. Rica Circle electric heating element. A surface temperature controlled heating element for electric towel rails. The RICA Circle is an electronic thermostatic water temperature heating system designed for use with towel rails configured for drying towels.The heating system is represented by an electronic thermostatic control fixed to a Class I electric heating element integrating an NTC water temperature sensor and a safety thermal fuse. The heating system regulate the temperature of the water inside the towel rail. The Circle is an electronic power control designed for use with towel rails configured for drying towels. It regulates the power of the heating element with five different levels.
The detailed surrounded is a sleek and sophisticated exterior making this a must have product that guarantees to modernise any bathroom, whilst still offering a practical solution to your heating requirements. Features of the Circle Heating Elements.
Electronic thermostatic water temperature heating system for towel rails filled with water, water and glycol or diathermic oil. Suitable for both stand alone towel rail or a towel rails connected to the central heating system (dual fuel install). Water temperature regulation range from 20°C to 60°C. Power regulation: 5 levels adjustable by settings.
Boost mode: regulation at maximum water temperature 60°C for 3hrs (adjustable by settings). 2 Timers: regulation at desired temperature / power for 3hrs with 24h repetition (adjustable by settings). Supplied as one unit with thermostatic control and electric heating element fixed together. Scottish Highlands and Islands (Postcodes: AB, DD, FK, IV, KW, PA, PH).